What is YourCar?

YourCar provides a fully automated, member exclusive carsharing service. Members can enjoy driving in a manner that is flexible, affordable and environmentally friendly

Advantages of YourCar:


Quick, flexible online booking process
(by the hour or by day)

Every booking includes 100km fuel
(within 24hours)

Multiple vehicle locations

Built-in GPS system available to take you anywhere you want
(model specific feature)

Multiple model choices available

Membership fees start from $299
(insurance & fuel included)


Benefits compared

Member exclusive carsharing

Conventional car rental services

Private vehicle ownership

Flexible choice between multiple car models

Environmentally friendly

Adjustable usage time**

Saves on expensive parking costs

Cleaning service

Owning your own vehicle

* 100km of fuel included for every continuous booking, thereafter a fuel surcharge is applicable at HK$3.0 per km for 1500cc or HK$4.0 per km for 2000cc
** Terms and conditions apply, please refer to our website or enquire with our representatives

Cost compared

Buy New Car


Parking fee $36,000 $0
Fuel costs
(Assuming 30L per week, the price is $ 13 / L)
$31,200 $0
(Assuming 2% of new cost)
$5,000 $0
YourCar member fees $0 $899

Total cost of the budget



Above has been calculated for KIA Morning, please refer to the price list for details, For reference only

Multiple vehicle models to choose from

How to use our services?

4 simple steps

1. Register

After successfully registering online, we will contact you to verify your ID and driving license. Once all details have been confirmed, we will send you a member card which can be used to activate our vehicles.

2. Reserving

Reservations can be made through our mobile apps and online. You can reserve and drive away immediately, reservations start from 60 minutes to 14 days at the longest.

3. Activate your booking

Once you arrive at the vehicle you have booked, place your member card over the card reader on the windscreen and the car will unlock.

4. Drive!

Enjoy your journey! After your trip please return the vehicle to its specific parking space then lock and complete the booking by tapping your member card on the card reader.

Reservation demo

How to register?


  • 25 years of age or over
  • If you are over 60 years of age, you must have had at least two years of driving experience in the past five years and have no record of traffic incidents or criminal convictions

Your driving record must meet the following criteria:

  • Held a Hong Kong Identity Card (The right of abode in Hong Kong eg: AZ, AX, AO ...)
  • Held a Full driving license or Probationary driving licence
  • Have less than 5 penalty points on your license
  • If under 30 years of ages, have no more than 3 penalty points on your license
  • Have had no major driving infractions in the past three years
  • Have had no record of any alcohol or drug related infractions in the past seven years

* All members must provide any information or documentation necessary during the application process and thereafter truthfully, accurately and in a timely manner.

Where can I find YourCar?

Our cars can be located through our booking system online and through our mobile applications.

Download now

Time Period and Pricing

We have many pricing plans to suit your needs,
choose as you please!


You can reserve vehicles by the hour or by day.
You can also cancel any reservation prior to the booking start time (charges may apply).

Basic membership fees:

HK$ 899 for 12 months membership or
HK$ 299 for 3 months membership or
HK$ 199 for 1 month membership

Vehicle reservation prices (currently prediction):

From HK$ 94 per hour or HK$ 940 per day


Plan and pricing details

Day price

24 hour bookings, from 1-14 days

Day time 1 hourly rate

9am to 8pm

Night time 1 hourly rate

8pm to 9am

Toyota - Corolla, Prius XW30, Wish $1180 
Ford - Fiesta
Honda - Freed $1280 

* 100km of fuel included for every continuous booking, thereafter a fuel surcharge is applicable at HK$3.0 per km for 1500cc or HK$4.0 per km for 2000cc
** Terms and conditions apply, please refer to our website or enquire with our representatives

Please have the following ready for your drive...

Valid driving license

Respect for other road users

Join YourCar and reserve now!

VR 360° Driving experience

Real feel driving

Choose marque and model

More marque, more choose